Revenue of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2014-2019, by region
In 2019, American-based quick service restaurant (QSR) chain Baskin-Robbins generated approximately 48.13 million U.S. dollars in revenue in the United States and 112.38 million in its international locations in 2018. This figure has remained relatively stable over the past four years.
Keeping up with its sister company
Baskin-Robbins is owned by the Dunkin’ Brands franchise, which is also parent company to popular restaurant chain Dunkin’ (formerly "Dunkin’ Donuts"). Baskin-Robbins is the smaller company, accounting for less stores than its sister, operating more than five and a half thousand restaurants in the United States and around two and a half thousand in international locations in 2019. Comparatively, Dunkin’ operated more than nine and a half thousand stores in the United States and over three and a half thousand abroad. In terms of revenue, Dunkin' also surpassed its sister company having generated around 650 million U.S. dollars in revenue in the United States in 2019, and nearly 27 million in overseas locations.
Ice cream consumption in the U.S.
In a 2019 survey on ice cream and sherbet consumption in the United States, 21.07 percent of respondents stated that they ate Baskin-Robbins ice cream as of the date of survey. However, the majority of respondents said they consumed store brand ice cream in 2019.
Revenue of Baskin-Robbins worldwide from 2014 to 2019, by region (in million U.S. dollars)
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for the fiscal year ending on the last Sunday in December of each year.
Supplementary notes
*Information for 2019 reflects the adoption of new guidance related to lease accounting in the first quarter of fiscal year 2019, while information for fiscal years prior to 2019 has not been restated and is, therefore, not comparable to the fiscal year 2019 information.
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Statistics on " Dunkin' Brands "
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The most important statistics
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- Revenue of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019, by segment
- Income of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019
- Total assets of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019
The most important statistics
- Revenue of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Systemwide sales of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Sales growth of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Number of Dunkin' Donuts stores worldwide 2007-2019, by region
- Net openings of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Initial franchise investments for Dunkin' Donuts in the U.S. 2023
- Customer satisfaction at Dunkin' drive thrus in the U.S. by service type 2020
The most important statistics
- Revenue of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Systemwide sales of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Systemwide sales growth of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Number of Baskin-Robbins stores worldwide 2007-2019, by region
- Net openings of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2014-2019, by region
Other statistics that may interest you Dunkin' Brands
Coffee shop industry
- Premium Statistic Market value of the coffee shop industry in the U.S. 2018-2022
- Premium Statistic Coffee shop count in the U.S. 2018-2022
- Premium Statistic Leading coffee shop chain sales in the U.S. 2023
- Premium Statistic Number of units of leading coffee shop chains in the U.S. 2023
- Premium Statistic Revenue of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019
- Premium Statistic Revenue of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019, by segment
- Premium Statistic Income of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019
- Premium Statistic Total assets of Dunkin' Brands worldwide 2007-2019
- Premium Statistic Revenue of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Systemwide sales of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Sales growth of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Number of Dunkin' Donuts stores worldwide 2007-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Net openings of Dunkin' Donuts worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Initial franchise investments for Dunkin' Donuts in the U.S. 2023
- Premium Statistic Customer satisfaction at Dunkin' drive thrus in the U.S. by service type 2020
- Premium Statistic Revenue of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2014-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Systemwide sales of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Systemwide sales growth of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2012-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Number of Baskin-Robbins stores worldwide 2007-2019, by region
- Premium Statistic Net openings of Baskin-Robbins worldwide 2014-2019, by region
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- Basic Statistic Italy: drivers to purchase packaged ice cream 2018
- Premium Statistic Export value of ice cream APAC 2022, by country
- Premium Statistic Italy: share of artisanal ice cream parlors 2018, by region
- Premium Statistic Ice cream and yogurt franchises: establishments by owner in Spain 2010-2016
- Premium Statistic Ice cream production in Brazil 2013-2016
- Premium Statistic U.S. product shipment value of ice cream and frozen desserts 2002-2021
- Premium Statistic Market share of the leading ice cream manufacturers worldwide 2010 and 2015
- Premium Statistic Brazil: ice cream brands penetration rate 2018
- Premium Statistic Per capita sales of ice cream in Europe in 2020, by country
- Premium Statistic Number of ice-cream parlors in the Netherlands 2011-2016
- Premium Statistic Ice cream and yogurt franchises in Spain 2010-2016
- Basic Statistic U.S. product shipment value of ice 2002-2016
- Premium Statistic Ice cream purchasing habits in South Korea 2017
- Premium Statistic Retail sales of ice cream in Canada 2015-2016
- Basic Statistic Yearly personnel cost of ice cream manufacturers in Germany 2011-2021
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- U.S. product shipment value of ice cream and frozen desserts 2002-2021
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- Ice cream and yogurt franchises in Spain 2010-2016
- U.S. product shipment value of ice 2002-2016
- Ice cream purchasing habits in South Korea 2017
- Retail sales of ice cream in Canada 2015-2016
- Yearly personnel cost of ice cream manufacturers in Germany 2011-2021
- Industry revenue of “manufacture of ice cream“ in Slovakia 2012-2025
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