What is a preposition?
A preposition is a word used to show a relationship between other words in a sentence. Prepositions can express things like time, place, direction, and manner. Prepositions are used in phrases and take objects (nouns/object pronouns).
on / at / in / above / below / up / down / inside / outside / behind / along / across / near / before / after / with / without / off / over / under / between / beside / around / through / into / towards
What is a prepositional phrase?
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that shows the relationship of an object in the phrase to another word in the sentence. At minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with an object (a noun or pronoun). Prepositional phrases may also include words that modify or describe the object, such as articles, possessive adjectives, and descriptive adjectives.
Prepositional Phrases
on the table / at a movie / in my closet / above the counter / below my head / up the river / down the stairs / inside the store / outside the cage / behind the tree / along the edge / across the lake / near a bridge / before the door / after lunch / with him / without shoes / off the cliff / over the top / under the basket / between the lines / beside your bed / around here / through the needle / into the sea / towards that wall
What are prepositions of time?
Prepositions of time are words that express a time relationship between two or more things.
in [time]
To show an unspecific time during a month, a season, a year, or day
Prepositional Phrases | in
on [time]
To show a specific day and specific dates
Prepositional Phrases | on
at, past [time]
To show a past or particular time
Prepositional Phrases | at/past
from, to [time]
To show a point in time when something started (from)
To show a point in time when something ends (to)
Prepositional Phrases | from/to
til, until [time]
Also to show the end of a period of time
Prepositional Phrases | til/until
since [time]
To show a time in the past up to the time of consideration
Prepositional Phrases | since
for [time]
To show a length of time
Prepositional Phrases | for
before, by [time]
To show a time earlier than, but not later than
Prepositional Phrases | before/by
during [time]
To show when something happens
Prepositional Phrases | before/by
What are prepositions of place?
Prepositions of place are words that state the location or place relationship between two things.
in [place]
To show a place within (or within the bounds of something)
Prepositional Phrases | in
on [place]
To show a place on the surface of; to show accidental contact with; supported by
Prepositional Phrases | on
at [place]
To show a particular place
Prepositional Phrases | at
above [place]
To show a space over and not touching; a higher level
Prepositional Phrases | above
behind [place]
To show something at or to the far side (of something else)
Prepositional Phrases | behind
below [place]
To show something at a lower level
Prepositional Phrases | below
beside [place]
To show at the side of
Prepositional Phrases | beside
between [place]
To show the space at, into or across the space
Prepositional Phrases | between
by [place]
To show a place beside a place or object
Prepositional Phrases | by
inside [place]
To show a place within particular boundaries
Prepositional Phrases | inside
near [place]
To show a place a short distance away
Prepositional Phrases | near
over [place]
To show a place directly upward from; above so as to cover
Prepositional Phrases | over
What are prepositions of movement?
Prepositions of place are words that state the location or place relationship between two things. Here are some commons examples.
across [movement]
To show movement from one side to the other
Prepositional Phrases | across
along [movement]
To show movement in a line that follows something
Prepositional Phrases | along
around [movement]
To show movement in circles or in the area of something
Prepositional Phrases | around
down [movement]
To show movement to a lower position
Prepositional Phrases | down
from [movement]
To show the starting space of a movement
Prepositional Phrases | from
into [movement]
To show movement that enters a space
Prepositional Phrases | into
onto [movement]
To show movement to a surface
Prepositional Phrases | onto
over [movement]
To show a movement at a higher level than something else
Prepositional Phrases | over
through [movement]
To show movement in one side and out the other side
Prepositional Phrases | through
to [movement]
To show the ending space of a movement
Prepositional Phrases | to
toward [movement]
To show movement in the direction of
Prepositional Phrases | toward
up [movement]
Movement to a higher position.
Prepositional Phrases | up
What are more examples of prepositional phrases.
When will your children arrive.
Where are your kids?
Who is coming with us ?
What are you doing?
Why are you leaving?
Had you seen any of them before today .
Can you help me with the party invitations ?